Codaisseur has been so super awesome giving us a place in Amsterdam to hold our ruby GraphQL hackathon. 25th of Aug is going to be the day! Sign up here!

We’ve got 30 seats which are all taken now but we’re going to expand ASAP!. Watch this space! We’ve split the day in 2 two events, you can sign up for each of them.

Hacking on GraphQL during the day

During the day we’ll be hacking on GraphQL-ruby powered projects together with Robert Mosolgo (GitHub), the author of graphql-ruby! In the evening there will be drinks, and GraphQL-themed talks by various GraphQL implementers.

GraphQL is a rapidly growing API technology made by Facebook that is used by companies like Facebook, XING, IFTTT, Shopify, GitHub, Zendesk. Sounds interesting or are you implementer? Come join us & let us know what you want to hack on here: Issue on the hack topics

  • 09:00 doors open
  • 09:30 kickoff hack day and pitch of the hack topics
  • 09:45 hack on various graphql projects
  • 12:00 lunch
  • 09:45 hack even harder on various graphql projects
  • 18:00 pizza

Then we’ll move into the following meetup /w ams.rb.

Sign up here for the hack day

Drinks, talks and show & tell in the evening

After the day of hacking we’ll go flow into the ams.rb meetup themed graphql.

  • 19:00 drinks presentation by Robert Mosolgo
  • 19:30 show & tell various graphql implementers

Let me know what you think about all this :)

Sign up here for the drinks

Let’s get hacking all!